"8 Ways to Fix America's Messed-Up Presidential Elections" is an article by Ted Rall and posted on March 13, 2019 that discusses his take on how the election process can improve. His ideas are to the point, straight forward, and represent a progressive way of thinking. I really enjoyed his article, and I agree with many of his ideas. Rall states, "Presidential campaigns could be improved . . . and it wouldn't require revolutionary change, just common-sense reforms." This statement is really well put. Sometimes I wonder why our country resists change so much. We have this idea that what has been, based on the Founding Fathers and out dated political ways, is the only way; this simply is not true. Rall proposes that people consider eight steps to help improve presidential elections. These steps include: eliminating open primaries, amending Article II of the Constitution (requirements for running for president), giving presidential debates back to independent sponsorship, leveling the campaign playing field and limiting campaign spending, making voting easier for voters, setting limitations as to who can run for president, getting rid of the Electoral College, and giving third parties a better opportunity to get on the ballot. Of all Rall's proposals, I found one particularly interesting and unique: setting limitations as to who can run for president. Rall writes, "If you cannot pass a simple test about the U.S. and its political system, you should not be allowed to run." This concept sounds so simple, yet I never considered that a president may not be able to do this. That is a problem. In addition, Rall proposes that "if you're an incumbent officeholder, you should not run . . . If you own investments in a business . . . or hold office in a company, you should not present yourself as a candidate for the presidency . . . If a close family member by blood or marriage served as president or vice president, you should not run." I find this to be a very interesting take on the rules of selecting a president. At this moment, I can't say I disagree or agree, but I am intrigued with the idea. I believe Rall has some great ideas that could improve and bring great change to presidential elections. Unfortunately, others may not be open to change. I think refining the way we do elections is so important right now, and I enjoy reading other's opinions and ideas about how to take action and implement change.
Ted Rall is a columnist, author, and cartoon artist. Rall has gotten himself into some serious predicaments with some questionable cartoons. An example of this is a cartoon published in October 2007 saying, "Over time, however, the endless war in Iraq began to play a role in natural selection. Only idiots signed up; only idiots died. Back home, the average I.Q. soared." As you can imagine, this upset many people, both liberal and conservative. A number of other cartoons by Rall attracted negative attention throughout his career. In addition, Rall writes about domestic and international affairs and pays special attention to central Asia. He seems to be someone who speaks his mind. Is he someone I can always agree with? No. However, I find his ideas in this article to be well presented and a way to promote change in our country.
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